Thunderbird employs a wide variety of staff members. Kiddos celebrating a birthday get a quick turn in the money blowing machine One of Thunderbird’s employees won the last Social, taking home a nice trophy.

They participate in Social Skate Competitions between DFW area rinks. They do birthdays, large group events and even fundraising. The roller derby action isn’t the only excitement to be had at Thunderbird. Assassination City skaters / photo by Peter Elliott Starting on February 21st, you can catch roller derby bouts every 3 rd Saturday of the month from 6pm-12am. The league actually contacted Terry first, hearing that he was giving Thunderbird a facelift yet maintaining its nostalgic feel. In addition to new lighting, lasers, paint, skates, a new kitchen and menu at the snack bar and a brand new black light party room, Thunderbird has also become the new home for Dallas’ Assassination City Roller Derby League.

He’s started to revamp the look and feel of Thunderbird, and people are noticing. Terry has been managing since December 2013 and he definitely takes his job seriously. These days, Nell still owns Thunderbird, but she has handed over management to Terry Monjure, a transplant from New Orleans. She also opened a seasonal miniature golf park next door that lasted a few years in the 1970s. Nell was swayed to open another rink and Thunderbird II has been in that same spot ever since, on the street they named Thunderbird Lane. Neighborhoods were just starting to be built this far north of Dallas and streets like Spring Creek were still being planned. At that time, there was nothing in Plano for entertainment. Nell was actually approached by the Mayor of Plano and convinced to open a second Thunderbird Roller Rink in Plano in 1972. The couple opened it because their daughter Patti was a competitive skater and she needed a place to practice. Thunderbird has been invested in good old-fashioned family fun since 1962 when Nell Sims and her husband Wayne opened the first Thunderbird Roller Rink in Richardson. Time may have passed, fashion and music may have changed, but kids and families have pretty much stayed the same. Walking in, it’s like you’ve jumped into the DeLorean and stepped 30 years into the past.

It is not appropriate to nominate a Scouter who has already received this award.Thunderbird Roller Rink, located at 3200 Thunderbird Lane, is one of those places where you can disconnect from the technology of today and show your kids what real fun is. The district need not present all the awards to which it is entitled each year. The award is made available annually on the basis of 1 for each 25 traditional units or fraction thereof. The award is available to Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature at the district level. The District Award of Merit is a council award presented by districts in the same manner that the Silver Beaver is a national award presented by councils. The service done should be of an exceptional nature. The award is open to any registered Scouter or non-Scouting adult who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to serve Scouting on a unit, district, council, or community level. Given to someone who exemplifies Scouting. The award should not be given to a person who does only a good job in an assigned position. Given to someone who provides Scouting Spirit to the program-one who does more than expected or necessary-a person who inspires youth and adults alike. This event helps us recognize those who make Scouting great! Nominations are currently being accepted for the Spark Plug, Bell Ringer, King Pin, and District Award of Merit. Save the Date! Apis our annual District Dinner. National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT).Facebook page opens in new window Twitter page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window Linkedin page opens in new window Donate Newletter