Aether Ray is very well supported through skill mods but Aether Ignaffar despite not having any support from game side is still a damn good spell. Is Aether Ignaffar better than Albrecht’s Aether Ray? I don’t mind DE being the go to skill for Apostates cause it’s actually good so don’t have any Apostate variants. I was kinda sick of seeing AAR as the go to channeling skill on Mage Hunters so decided to make this one. Well this concept will most certainly work with an Apostate but You can choose to sacrifice cast speed to replace Black Flame helm and Chthonian belt with Clairvoyant’s Hat and Cord of Deception respectively. I can’t craft Ignaffar Relic with +1 Flames of Ignaffar Completion bonus.
You would however gain a very strong skill mod for Mark of Torment. It most certainly is but it won’t be BiS because you’d loose out on some valuable cast speed and loose the 2pc Black Flame Bonus. That along with the %OA which is crucial to Crit based Channeling spells such as this makes it BiS. Not just for the conversion but also for the flat damage and the ADCtH skill mods.īelieve it or not despite lacking the +1 to Flames of Ignaffar that Ben’s MI does Mantle of Black Flame is still a DPS gain. The skill mods for ignaffar, particularly the energy cost reduction skill mod makes these gloves much better than Voidsteel Gauntlets. The modifier is useless for this build since it’d convert valuable flat fire damage into chaos damage. You loose out on a lot of offense and I personally don’t think it’s worth it. Have you considered Arcanist as a support mastery? It is merely here for reliable procing of devotions. This is how it looks like with Gauntlets of Ignaffar^

Voidsteel Gauntlets on the other hand increase the Chaos component so despite being a sheet DPS loss they’re much better. Gauntlets of Ignaffar are a sheet DPS increase but that’s because they contribute to the Vitality component of the Flames. Personally though I always lean towards the Vitality variant because of the unique build concept and also because I dislike Tainted Flame’s visuals Between Vitality and Chaos performance vise I can’t decide, I like both of them. The Aether variant is naturally the weakest. Which is better among the three Ignaffar versions? *Screenshot with Blood of Dreeg and Pneumatic Burst *Screenshot with Word of Renewal, Hungering Void, Deadly Aim, Inquisitor Seal and Mirror of Ereoctes *Screenshot with Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Deadly Aim and Hungering Void *Screenshot with Deadly Aim, Word of Renewal, Blood of Dreeg, Inquisitor Seal, Hungering Void and Ritual Circle I also added a guide for Acid Purge Witch Hunter which has the same animation as Flames of Ignaffar. One is Vitality based and the other is Chaos based. This guide is meant to present two concepts.