
Optimus prime quotes
Optimus prime quotes

optimus prime quotes

He is the second Comic Book character to win, after Superman, and with the next seven being Tatsumaki, War Machine, Reverse-Flash, Popeye, Thor Odinson, Magneto, and Archie Silver.Optimus is the fourth Comic Book character to fight against an Anime/Manga character, after Superman, Captain Marvel, and Carnage, and with the next nine being Tatsumaki, War Machine, Venom, The Hulk, Reverse-Flash, Popeye, Thor Odinson, Magneto, and Archie Silver.He is the third Cartoon character to win, after Toph Beifong and Samurai Jack, and with the next two being Aang and Popeye.Optimus is the third Cartoon character to fight against an Anime/Manga character, after Toph Beifong and Samurai Jack, and with the next three being Aang, Zuko, and Popeye.He is the second Hasbro character to win, after Rainbow Dash, and with the next one being Red Ranger.He is the first Transformers character to win.He is the second Transformers character to appear, after Starscream.Optimus is the 15th Hasbro character to appear, after Starscream, Rainbow Dash, Bucky O'Hare, Tommy Oliver, Saba, White Tigerzord, Pinkie Pie, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Pink Ranger, Black Ranger, Megazord, and Twilight Sparkle, and with the next two being Dragonzord and Discord.Defeated Megatron, Devastator, Galvatron, & Unicron.Commanded 1,000 battles via the Omniglobe.

optimus prime quotes

Withstood a wormhole collapsing upon him.Lifted the 81,000 ton Washington Monument.Binary bonded to Hi-Q, who increases Optimus' energy.Has died 26 times throughout the whole Transformers franchise.Dislikes: Decepticons, dancing, & Mötley Crüe.though it's also the source of his strength! Optimus' compassion for other sentient beings is his only real weakness, and one the Decepticons have taken advantage of time and again. The Autobots need a decisive, charismatic leader, and that is what he gives them. Every casualty, human, or Cybertronian, weighs heavily on his spark, but he does not show this side to his soldiers, and he never succumbs to despair. Since then, Optimus has led the Autobots against the Decepticons, but their centuries-long conflict would soon spread to the planet Earth. This would be the first in a number of heavy burdens he would be forced to bear, as he was reconstructed into the fearless Optimus Prime. But to his surprise, Orion was chosen by the Matrix of Leadership to be the Autobots' new commander. During one of their many rampages, the Decepticons mercilessly gunned down the young Orion, who at the time was mere civilian dock-worker. Orion Pax was born on the technologically rich planet of Cybertron, where a civil war was brewing between the two factions of inhabitants: the Autobots and the Decepticons.

Optimus prime quotes